Implantology News

Ø 2.9 mm implant
Indicated for limited interdental spaces and narrow ridges:
- upper lateral incisors
- lower central and lateral incisors
Micro-sandblasted HRS surface
Mean roughness ≈ 1,0 µm
Conical apex
improves the insertion
Outstanding fatigue strength
due to the Leone
implant-abutment connection
and medical grade 5 titanium
Innovative thread design
increases primary stability,
excellent for immediate loading
The ideal solution for narrow spaces

Dr. Francesco Argentino, private practitioner in Florence, Italy

“Thanks to Leone 2.9 implants it is now possible to perform secure and predictable implant therapy in patients with narrow bone volumes and a natural emergence profile of the prosthetic crown.”

  Simplified surgery: only 3 drills and a new carrier

The Leone 2.9 implant does not require any special surgical components; 3 drills out of the Leone surgical kit are used:

- lance drill
- pilot drill
- twist drill Ø 2,8 mm

The innovative carrier increases the visibility of the implant during placement; two depth marks (at 1 and 2 mm) simplify subcrestal implant placement.


Extremely resistant:
Despite its small size, mechanical fatigue tests show that the Leone 2.9 implant is the best choice in its category as to strength and stability.

Mechanical tests
The fatigue tests for the Leone 2.9 implant have been carried out at the Department for Industrial Engineering, University of Florence. The tests were performed according to ISO 14801.

The comparison of fatigue strength of the Leone 2.9 implant with test results of other small diameter implants published by competitors demonstrates that the Leone Morse taper connection ensures a higher mechanical strength than other implant-abutment connections.

Read the article: Leone 2.9 Implant: Features and biomechanical behaviour


Leone implant system, available in the market for over 15 years

Leone implant-abutment connection
The Leone 2.9 implant presents the key features of the Leone Implant System, especially the screwless self-locking Morse taper connection and the Platform Switching design with all the well-known advantages, no micro-gaps and micro movements at the implant-abutment interface, preservation of the crestal bone over time and prosthetic simplicity and safety.

Scientific publications

Leone News archive


Prosthetic components

Leone 2.9 implants have the same internal connection as Leone Ø 3,3 mm implants, it is therefore possible to use the whole range of prosthetic components (healing caps, transfers and abutments) with green colour code green colour code.

LEONE 2.9 IMPLANT with cover cap
Use of the round bur or of the lance drill to mark the cortical bone for the subsequent drills Use of the Ø 2.2 mm pilot drill: drill up to the depth mark corresponding to the length of the selected implant Use of the twist drill Ø 2.8 mm, short or long: drill up to the reference mark corresponding to the depth of 6.5 mm Insertion of the implant
Download the complete surgical procedure
The pictures and indications illustrated in this literature have informative purpose only and they are not intended to replace the methods or procedures for diagnosis and treatment planning of the Dental Surgeon and the Dentist regarding the needs of each patient. Leone Spa disclaims any liability or any other obligation expressed or implied in this literature.