Treatment of a totally edentulous patient with an implant-supported fixed conometric prosthesis in the lower and upper jaw
December, 2020
Surgeons/Restorative dentists: Dr. Giuseppe Musiello – Vico del Gargano (FG), Italy
This case report shows the
immediate loading of four XCN® implants in the lower jaw with a
provisional fixed full-arch conometric prosthesis and the chairside fabrication
of a provisional fixed full-arch conometric prosthesis on six osseointegrated
implants in the upper jaw during the second surgical stage (re-opening). The
50-year-old completely edentulous male patient asked for a fixed restoration
for both jaws. After careful study of CBCT examination and stabilized
intermaxillary relationships with new diagnostic removable prostheses, it was
decided to place ten implants, six in the maxilla and four in the mandible. As all four implants in the mandible had a good
primary stability, implants were immediately provisionalized with a fixed conometric
prosthesis. Due to the poor quantity and quality of bone, in the maxilla the
immediate denture was inserted during the second surgical stage after 4 months
of submerged healing. After 2 months, both provisional conometric prostheses
were removed for impression taking on conometric abutments in order to
fabricate two final fixed conometric prostheses with carbon fiber framework and
the esthetic part with teeth and gingival composite portion.
conometric prosthesis obtains the friction retention through titanium abutments
(MUA-Conics) with a 5-degree tapered top (half angle) and preformed conometric
caps, made of PEEK, with an internal connection with the same taper angle, that
are fixed within the prosthesis. The use of conometric friction retention as
anchorage system for the prosthesis simplifies and speeds up all sessions. The
ease with which a removable prosthesis can be transformed into a provisional fixed
conometric prosthesis is a great advantage, especially in immediate loading. The
speed with which conometric prostheses are removed and repositioned during all
sessions (relining, impression taking, delivery of the final prosthesis) is one
of the great advantages of this prosthesis type.